The “European Flagwaving Archive” is a digital project produced by flagwavers and flagwaving-enthusiasts with the aim of archiving flagwaving sequences and information about flagwaving or flag throwing.
We focus on flagwaving movements and the material required for this. Heraldry and flag inscriptions are not included in the archive.
Flagwaving sequences/Choreography are archived as videos and/or written descriptions.
In addition, we also try to collect as much published material related to flagwaving as possible. We focus specifically on flagwaving in Europe.
More information can be find in our manifest.
News: An idea springs up
Flagwaving is both old and young. It has been around for a long time, but far too often the flags and batons are all that remains. The old movements and sequences are no longer known so it is impossible to replicate performances from long ago. If only these movements and sequences had been recorded, it would be possible to repeat today performances from earlier times.
A European flagwaving archive?
In the modern digital age, a recorded archive of European flagwaving cannot be that difficult to set up. Video, photographic and written records and descriptions can al be collected and stored in the cloud quite easily... and so the idea for the archive was born.